
2009 Woche 9

Michael Althen FAZ Matthias Dell Berlin Ekkehard Knörer cargo Cristina Nord Bert Rebhandl cargo Simon Rothöhler cargo
The Times of Harvey Milk (Rob Epstein, 1984) 69 63 66
Der Knochenmann (Wolfgang Murnberger, 2008) 65 69 53 62,3
The Wrestler (Darren Aronofsky, 2008) 63 54 79 47 60,8
Vorbilder?! (Role Models) (David Wain, 2008) 55 65 60 60
Milk (Gus Van Sant, 2008) 71 69 50 54 58 52 59
Der Vorleser (The Reader) (Stephen Daldry, 2008) 37 19 9 21,7